After having served five years in the United States Marine Corps (1987-1992), I went on to work for a construction equipment manufacturer, followed by a construction equipment rental and repair shop. I started my own online business in 2005 selling OEM & after-market construction equipment parts. I sold my business and retired in 2021.

I've been an avid woodworker most of my adult life, and now I get to spend more time in my garage at home pursuing my true passion for woodworking. When I first started woodworking, I was primarily producing my pieces with a scroll saw doing intricate fretwork, and now today I am using my CNC wood carver to make beautiful three dimensional wood projects.

With my military background & love for my country, I am primarily gravitating toward, but not limited to, military and patriotic pieces. Oh, and skulls too, I love skulls!

With regards to military pieces, I have a United States Marine Corps trademark hobbyist license. I can not produce any official seal or emblem for any other branch.

Below are some pieces from when I first started woodworking.

Please see the gallery page for more current items.

Thank you,

David H Schatz

USMC Trademark Hobbyist License #22036 (2023-2024)

USMC Trademark Hobbyist License #589-25 (2025-2026)